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All the offers of help to Flamstead residents are confidential.  However, to show their appreciation, some residents have written short testimonials after receiving our support for a family member or themselves. Some of these are shown below, with the consent of the writers.


"The Wish Tree do what all of us want to do for each other when there’s a crisis - shore things up, fill in the gaps, make it better, in whatever way we can. Pride can often stop those we so desperately want to help from accepting support, so having The Wish Tree as a go between keeps everything private, whether giving or receiving.  They helped my family years ago when we suffered a devastating family bereavement, and they’ve helped again recently as we continue to navigate the long-lasting emotional impact of that experience. I say ‘they’ but I should say ‘we’, because The Wish Tree is all of us, being there for each other when it matters, because we genuinely care.  Knowing that, the moral support I’ve felt has been profound. I remain forever grateful."


"I was very ill during 2021-2022. As a family with 3 young kids, it was very difficult to manage with the daily life and duties. We cannot express our gratitude enough to Tracy and The Wish Tree team. When Tracy heard about my illness, she appeared on our door and sorted everything out. We were amazed by the willingness to give and to help. We couldn’t have managed without it. The Wish Tree Charity helped with pick up for the kids, dog walking and so much more."



"The Wish Tree do what all of us want to do for each other when there’s a crisis - shore things up, fill in the gaps, make it better, in whatever way we can.


Pride can often stop those we so desperately want to help from accepting support, so having the Wish Tree as a go between keeps everything private, whether giving or receiving. They helped my family years ago when we suffered a devastating family bereavement, and they’ve helped again recently as we continue to navigate the long-lasting emotional impact of that experience. I say ‘they’ but I should say ‘we’, because the Wish Tree is all of us, being there for each other when it matters, because we genuinely care. Knowing that, the moral support I’ve felt has been profound. I remain forever grateful."



"I was very ill during 2021-2022. As a family with 3 young kids, it was very difficult to manage with the daily life and duties. We cannot express our gratitude to Tracy and the Wish Tree team. When Tracy heard about my illness, she appeared on our door and sorted everything out. We were amazed by the willingness to give and to help. We couldn’t have managed without it. The Wish Tree Charity helped with pick up for the kids, dog walking and so much more."



“Without your help it would have been very difficult to have coped during the days of my recovery whilst looking after my two children.  It was amazing help.  Thank you very much.”



"When my husband died earlier this year, I was contacted by the Wish Tree charity who kindly asked if I needed any help. 
One of the main things I knew I couldn’t manage was the garden. This was important to me as my husband used to do it all before he died. 


From March onwards, the charity funded support from the Lincoln Seed Gardening Company for 3 months who sorted out my garden. They also did odd jobs for me that I would not have been able to do. Now I have a lovely garden which has been an enormous help to me - indeed I call them my Wish Tree angels.


I would just like to say what a wonderful charity it is and I know they have helped many people in the village. I really don’t know where I would have been without the help received."


MAY 2020

"Thinking of the Wish Tree Charity gives you a warm comfortable feeling.


We were lucky enough to be under their care for three months recently.  It was completely unexpected when Tracy arrived on our doorstep offering help.  When we had time to think about it, we realised what a generous offer it was.  We spend a lot of time visiting hospitals and since we parted from our cars, it has been very expensive.  The Wish Tree covered this cost by organising taxis alongside the regular respite help that we needed at the time. 


We have now transferred to Care Group volunteers at the recommendation of the charity for ongoing help with transport, which is provided at a very reasonable cost.  We recommend the Wish Tree Charity to the village.  Please give it your full support, they certainly deserve it."



"The Wish Tree Charity stepped in to help me and my family following my hospitalisation a few years ago. Till that point I didn’t know this amazing charity existed.


They provided care for my disabled daughter, help at home and dog walking, all of which I was unable to do.
Everyone was extremely professional, caring and supportive and nothing was too much trouble.


As I have no family locally, this help was paramount to our family coping during a very stressful time in our lives.”


MARCH 2019

"Adequate words fail me when wishing to convey the gratitude felt last December, when you called at my home, with the offer of help to transport me daily to the hospital so that I could feed/visit my extremely sick husband.


I do wish to thank you for your kind thoughts and goodness during this anxious time. My sons and wider family join me in sincere appreciation of what this has meant to my husband, myself and our sons.


All good wishes for the future and most particularly your kind endeavours for and on behalf of the villagers of Flamstead."


MARCH 2018

"This is just a short note to say a big thanks to The Wish Tree Charity for looking out for my mother when she first came home after a long spell in hospital.


She was very grateful for the help and support you arranged for her in the three month period after her return and
it greatly helped her adapt to normal life.


My mother has lived in Flamstead for 50 years this year and along with my late father, brought up me and my brother here.  She was leader of the Young Wives when she first arrived before joining and becoming actively involved in the Woman’s Institute.


For a while she worked as a shop assistant in the Post Office before becoming the Secretary at the JMI school for over 20 years.  Now she is enjoying her retirement years and although can’t get out on her own, she loves
living in the village.


We all think Flamstead has always been a great community and people look out for those who are vulnerable. Your charity is a very good example of that.  Once again, on behalf of my mother and myself, thank you very much for all the hard work
that you and your colleagues do for the village."



"This is just a short note to say a big thanks to The Wish Tree Charity for looking out for my mother when she first came home after a long spell in hospital.


She was very grateful for the help and support you arranged for her in the three month period after her return and
it greatly helped her adapt to normal life.


My mother has lived in Flamstead for 50 years this year and along with my late father, brought up me and my brother here.  She was leader of the Young Wives when she first arrived before joining and becoming actively involved in the Woman’s Institute.


For a while she worked as a shop assistant in the Post Office before becoming the Secretary at the JMI school for over 20 years.  Now she is enjoying her retirement years and although can’t get out on her own, she loves
living in the village.


We all think Flamstead has always been a great community and people look out for those who are vulnerable. Your charity is a very good example of that.  Once again, on behalf of my mother and myself, thank you very much for all the hard work
that you and your colleagues do for the village."



"As the card says “Thank you Wish Tree” and that is meant very much.


That the charity is there for such occasions, I think is marvellous for the village and us lucky enough to live
here. I congratulate all of you for your efforts to keep the charity going and the good work in putting it to such good purpose."


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