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17 July 2019

Meeting Venue: The Spotted Dog at 7.30pm


Thank you for attending and for your on going support and interest in the Charity. Chairman would like to say a particular thank you to the current Trustees – Ali (Treasurer) and Barbara (Secretary) and committee member Mark for their on going commitment and involvement with the running of the Charity. Unfortunately, we have had to say farewell to Committee member Katharine Hill who came on board in 2017, who felt she needed to step down earlier this year and we thank her for support/help especially with previous events.

We welcomed unofficial committee member Sophie Lechner- King in Sept 2018, who agreed to be our village school rep and welcome her onto the team. Thank you for your on going commitment and support, as without you, the Charity would cease to exist!

It has been another busy year for the Charity and we have offered help to 31 residents since July 2018 and residents have been in receipt of support by way of practical support including cleaning, dog walking, horse care, sit in care support, transport/taxis, gardening and general support. Transport, cleaning and gardening often remain the primary needs of residents. We have recently finished support with most of our residents but are currently supporting 2 residents at present.

After the Music Festival in July 2018, it was decided that we would have a break from organising another large fundraiser and have a few smaller fundraising events as the Charity was in a good financial position (see Treasurers’ report). However, it was also decided to give Trustees/committee members a well deserved rest and focus on maintaining the runnings of the Charity and with networking.

We have had a financially successful year since our last AGM meeting and have raised a significant amount of money. We have achieved this by hosting a successful Guest chef night in the village, being represented by a London Marathon runner from the village, Achieving joint place in the Ashtons’ charitable award with FOSL, successful application for Dacorum Council award from the local budget, several generous donations from residents we have assisted and also other organisations ie St Albans steam society and Coffee Dog.

As usual, we look forward to assisting with the Village show again later in September 2019 by providing ‘The Tea room’ again as part of this community event. Unfortunately, we are unable to represent/assist at Scarecrow festival due to holiday or prior commitments.

We continue to receive several Thank you notes/cards from receivers of the Charity’s support and family of residents who were very grateful of our help. We have also received some very kind donations as a result of supporting residents which our treasurer has details of, for which we are very grateful.

Our challenge remains to ensure we reach all parts of Flamstead Parish and make people aware of what we do, how we can help as well as activate support in a timely way to those who meet the Charity’s’ constitution/criteria. We continue to advertise in the Parish news and have updated our advert and contact details accordingly.

The website continues to be much improved with updates/information/photos being updated on a regular basis by Alison Stewart (creator of website) and regular Charity updates written by Chairperson added to networks, grapevine and Parish Magazine. Our thanks also go to Ali Moss (treasurer) for keeping the Facebook page current and up to date too.

As Trustees, we continue to ensure that money spent assisting residents does not exceed monies raised as it has done in previous years. Although recognised as a positive aspect whereby the Charity is being used in a way it was set up to do and shows increased awareness of our charity by residents. We will continue to be good stewards of how monies are spent or used in line with our Constitution.

It is necessary to confirm that the current Trustees are happy to remain in their current roles:

Tracy – Chair
Ali – Treasurer
Barbara – Secretary

It is vital that these positions are maintained, as the Charity would have to fold without these 3 positions filled.
Any changes to committee members? Mark
Does anyone want to become a Trustee?
Any other suggestions for committee members?
Do we want to keep constitution the same?

Plans for next year:

  • Continue to be proactive/reactive to reaching residents in need and being creative in how we achieve this

  • Take part/assist in village events as required and work alongside other organisations where appropriate

  • Consider plans for other fundraisers in 2020 ie Guest chef night, Garden party,

  • Apply for Silver Bond place for Virgin Marathon and seek runner

  • Continue to update website and network with village via grapevine, networks, Parish Magazine

  • Search for new committee members/Trustees

  • Maintain links with Flamstead school via Sophie Lechnerking

  • Continue with quarterly contact withmovers/shakers of village and regular updates in Parish news

  • Continue to obtain new contacts for support/resident help and volunteer driver scheme.

  • To meet on a regular basis to ensure continuity of residents help and organise fundraising events

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