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DATE: 11th August 2021

VENUE: 14 Hollybush Lane AL3 8DG

I would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our 14th Annual General Meeting and say a massive thank you for your on-going commitment, hard work and support for the Charity. Thank you too to Rosie for allowing us to host this meeting at her house.

Covid 19 has continued to impact the Charity since last July (2020) and meant most of our contact has been virtual, with our first face to face meeting outdoors in May. It has continued to impact our ability to hold fundraising events and the way in which we have offered/delivered support to residents.

We were saddened to have the official resignation of Richard Downes in July 21 but he will continue to remain in his position as Secretary until 31/12/21 to enable us to still legally operate as a Charity within the confines of the Charities Commission. We want to take this opportunity to say a massive thank you to Richard for all his hard work and support over the last year.

We also have had to bid farewell to Committee member Mark Evans in July 21, who has left for pastures new - we wish him all the very best and want to thank him for all his hard work and dedication to the Charity over the last 6 years.

As a Charity, we have offered support to 18 residents since our last AGM in July 2020 and have practically helped 9 residents. We continue to offer help and support in various practical ways including domestic help, dog walking, gardening, childcare and transport primarily. The offer of help remains far greater than active support but residents have been very grateful to know that we are here to help if needed.

We remain financially secure despite not having had a main fundraiser for the last 3 years. We continue to have had a steady flow of donations throughout the last year including on-going donations from residents/families we have helped, large local business donation specific to COVID help/use, grant from Community Development Action Herts, local charity events organised by villagers such as Flamathon and the Doorstep Photo Challenge. Residents and the local school have all benefited from such donations.
Ali Moss, our Treasurer, will be providing a more detailed report re finances as part of the AGM process but has continued to provide monthly updates to Trustees.

Over the last year, we have continued to be active in advertising via social media, leaflet drops, Parish Magazine articles, posters and the Flamstead/Markyate network as well as setting up a volunteers' WhatsApp group to support residents during Covid. We have offered support to the food bank at St Leonard's Church and extended help to include shopping, prescription collection, phone support/contact and donations for essential bills as needed.

We have initiated and used road representatives across the village and this has helped to reach and monitor residents in another way and to help us network further and increase awareness of how we can help/support. This is always a constant challenge but with these initiatives in place and regular advertising throughout the year, we are hoping to maintain good contacts and awareness of those who may need our help and support.

We are very grateful to Rosie for her contribution in setting up the website, adding regular contributions and troubleshooting IT/website issues – this help and support enables us to maintain our profile and also allows residents to contact us directly via a contact form as required. This functionality has not been used very much but enables residents to contact us confidentially as required. Most of our contacts for help have been raised by friends/family of those affected getting in touch directly by phone or through F2F contact.

It is necessary at this meeting to confirm and vote in Trustee membership for 2021/2022 and to agree Trustees/committee for 2021/22.
As we are aware, it is vital for the Charity to have these 3 positions filled to function.

The current Trustees are as follows:
Tracy Wells – Chair
Ali Moss – Treasurer
Richard Downes - Secretary active until 31/12/21 following recent resignation
Rosie Hickey-Colman – website/IT
All in agreement?

We are also obliged to check to see if any changes to the Charities constitution are required – any amendments/additions requested?

  • Priortiy: advertise for Trustees/committee members

  • Fundraising event late June or early July 22 outdoor cinema event

  • Obtain sponsorship from local businesses for cinema event

  • Afternoon tea fundraiser for Queens Jubilee?

  • Continue advertising in Parish magazine and provide regular updates

  • Monitor/upgrade/improve website and add information/articles/testimonials etc

  • Continue regular/quarterly links with village organisations

  • Hold regular meetings/contact to discuss future plans, residents, fundraising ideas

  • On going Use of WhatsApp to update Trustees/committee members

  • Consolidate list of services/contacts to ensure relevant and up to date and accurate

  • Continue to be good stewards of Charity's money

  • Ensure we continue to adhere to The Charity commission regulations


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